Hybrid 07 - 'Hot' Call for Abstracts

Hybrid 07: HOT


Call for abstracts


Deadline: July 15, 2024



Hybrid, the annual peer reviewed journal produced by the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture, is now accepting submissions for volume 7 with the theme ‘Hot’. The deadline for submitting abstracts is July 15, 2024.


The world is hot, and its impact is felt across every aspect of our lives. Heat is a fundamental force that drives natural phenomena, From the earth's geothermal activity to solar radiation. It sustains life, fosters growth, and facilitates essential processes, such as cooking, melting metals, producing hot and cool temperatures, and generating electricity. But what does it really mean to be ‘hot’? How do our individual experiences of heat reflect and shape our relationships with the world around us? Beyond its fundamental association with temperature, heat also exists within us, in the sense that it plays a crucial role in regulating our metabolism and immune responses. Feeling hot can also encapsulate the intensity of human experience, including emotions such as passion and anger. In human relationships, hot describes not only physical warmth but also the fervour of romantic and sexual connections, underscoring the biological and emotional interplay that characterizes human intimacy. At the same time, this same force can have devastating consequences, capable of causing catastrophic damage to ecosystems and disrupting global climate patterns.


Rising global temperatures caused by greenhouse gases are melting glaciers and polar ice caps, leading to increased flooding, rising sea levels, and altered ecosystems globally. This environmental degradation is exacerbated by the urban heat island effect, where densely populated areas experience higher temperatures due to the concentration of buildings, asphalt, and human activities that generate and trap heat. As a result, the management of heat has become a critical issue, with both positive and negative impacts. While heat has driven innovations in renewable energy and urban development, it also poses significant challenges. For example, the production and release of heat through biomass combustion, power plants, and various industrial and commercial machinery, such as air-conditioning systems, refrigeration units etc, can contribute to localised air pollution and environmental destruction.


As cities grapple with soaring temperatures, being hot has also become a cultural marker reflecting current trends and desires that constantly evolve with societal shifts. Fashion and social media amplify these trends, showcasing what's in vogue and captivating the public's attention. As a result, the term ‘hot’ becomes a powerful driver of social movements and consumer behaviour, shaping our collective culture and values.


We are interested in exploring the multifaceted nature of the term ‘hot’ and aesthetic responses to it. This includes an examination of both the constructive and destructive aspects of heat – how it fosters community and connection, yet also serves as a medium for violence and aggression – as well as its role in shaping our perceptions of beauty, desire, and taste, and its complicated historical associations with colonial attitudes that linked hot climates to disease and moral inferiority. Submissions are invited for a 300-350 word abstract exploring the theme ‘hot’ From diverse perspectives, including cultural and emotional dimensions, environmental impacts, technological advancements, and socio-political implications.



Submission Guidelines:

Please send your abstracts to [email protected] latest by July 15, 2024. Your abstracts should be within 300-350 words. All submissions should include your name in the document. Text documents should be sent as word files. Where applicable images should be submitted at 300 dpi files. If selected, your first drafts will be due by mid September, after which the editorial team will review and provide feedback for potential revisions. Revised essays will then be sent to peer reviewers.


We welcome submissions From established and upcoming academics and practitioners, as well as students. You can propose to submit towards the following categories: Essay, Photo-Essay, Interview/Conversation, a Portfolio or Curatorial Essay, Spotlight on Craft.


About Hybrid:

Hybrid, a peer-reviewed journal, aims to cultivate a culture of research and writing at the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture and beyond. It embraces a transdisciplinary approach, concentrating on practices and projects that combine art, design, architecture, and related genres to address critical, cultural, political, environmental and educational issues, emphasizing inclusion and social justice. Hybrid provides a platform for exploring creative practices within various contexts, particularly in Pakistan and South Asia, and has previously featured contributions From renowned scholars, academics, and artists such as Adnan Madani, Laurent Gayer, Seher Shah, Randhir Singh, Fazal Rizvi, David Brooks, and Zahra Malkani.


Link to previous volume of Hybrid: