Urban Repository Archive (URA) Project by the Dept. of Fine Art

We are delighted to announce that the “Urban Repository Archive (URA)”, a project by the Fine Art Department, has been awarded a grant by Art South Asia Project (ASAP). This project is one of the three selected for the grant cycle of 2024-2025.

The Urban Repository Archive (URA) is dedicated to exploring and documenting Karachi through the student work of the Fine Art Department at the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture. As art students in Karachi respond to the city’s dynamic physical and intangible transformations, Karachi increasingly serves as a vital visual resource. With its rapid growth and bold possibilities, the city functions both as a site of artistic production and as an inspiration for the evolving field of urban craft and research. The URA is a digitally curated platform that showcases documentation of methodologies, pedagogies, and fieldwork related to the art school’s engagement with Karachi’s ever-changing identity. In addition to the website, the URA aims to foster collaborative projects with institutions and individuals who are committed to archiving contemporary art practices and exploring the complex nature of urban life.

The URA is a project by Seher Naveed and Veera Rustomji, both faculty members and alumni of the Fine Art Department at the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture.